The last few years I have looked forward to the day after Thanksgiving for all the sales. It started when my sister Rebekah got married and we had all the family together for Thanksgiving, because their wedding was the next day. Me and my other sisters looked at all the ads and planned our attack for the next day. Friday morning, before it dawned bright and early, we were rubbing the sleep out of our eyes and hitting the stores. I went to Joann's mainly because you could buy flannel material for $.99 cents a yard. I think I went to best buy too and got a mini DVD player. That was when they were first starting to come out. Anyway, since then I have been interested in going out on Black Friday. The lines and crowds are crazy and sometimes aggressive, but it is also fun to do. And since texting got big also me and my sisters (and my brother Ian now too) keep each other company in line where ever we may be.
One of my favorite things to get though are the seasons of TV shows. Normally for a set it will be $49.99, but after Thanksgiving you can get them for $15-20! I started getting the show 24 and have branched out to other shows. If you haven't seen 24, you should, but beware... it is addicting! You will want to spend the next 24 hours in real time to watch it because you have to find out what happens next. It's way super good, and Keifer Sutherland is awesome in it.
Here is the preview for the first season. It makes me want to see it again just watching this preview!!! Oooh, it's so good!
4 years ago