Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Christmas (Out of Order...)

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas. It was a great Christmas, and I am such a little kid when it comes to Christmas! We had some of my family come up and stay with us Christmas Eve, and then we went over to Derek's Family for dinner, all of us. It was wonderful! The first two pictures are from us hanging out before hand.

It was fun having some little kids for Christmas, I forgot how cute it was. But we had to get up earlier Christmas morning than we usually do. My husband does not like to wake up early...

those two little dollies in front of the tree Bekah made in like one day for Kristen and Baili. They turned out so cute!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!


Shaina said...

Looks like fun.

Why is it that mom and dad always sit in a chair and everyone else is on the floor? The floor is much better for opening gifts!

kdaygirl said...

Ok so when did Nan get braces??? I am out of that loop... I love the pics! Wish we could have been there.