This is something I have recently been thinking about, my napping habits. I love to take naps, and I do nearly every day, some are only about 15 minutes, and some are as long as 4 hours. I have decided to stop fighting this addiction or apologizing for it; too many forces are against me.
For one thing, I work during the night. While most normal people are blissfully sleeping , I am up, fighting against my circadian rythm. I have been doing this for 8 years and I'm still not used to it, though I have learned how to make it work. Making it work means taking naps. There's strike one.
I started thinking about the other members in my family, and all ten of us kids, plus our parents also take naps, though some more regularly than others. I remember not calling between 12-2pm everyday because that is usually when my mom was napping. It's in my genes. Strike two.
Last of all, its a habit that has grown with me. Napping is the most consistent habit I can remember from a young age. I remember my mom making me take a nap when I was little, and apparently I grew to like them. I can remember throughout my life being sacked out on the couch after school, falling asleep after driving from Spokane to Newport, or while reading a book. At college I came back to the dorms if I had a long break or during lunch and would take a power nap, and now I'll be watching TV, then feel myself get sleepy then start to nod off.... Some habits are just so hard to break! Strike three.
So, you see it's something I can't help. Derek has gotten used to me saying, out of the blue, "I think I'm going to take a nap." I'm glad he has accepted me how I am. Because, as you can see, I am a napper.