It's a sad day in the Wood household. Yesterday out computer decided it was done living, and gave up the ghost. You don't realize just how dependent you become on a computer! It wouldn't be so bad, because when I'm at work I have access to a computer (like what I'm doing right now) but the real bummer is all the files you cant access for now. Especially the YW lesson I actually prepared in the beginning of the week and now, Saturday, I have to start fresh again! Derek has ordered new parts to build it fresh again, or to give it a major overhaul so we can access all our files, pictures, music, etc.... but not in time for Sunday.
Anyway I probably won't post, or comment much in the next week, or the two weeks after that (Roadtrip!) but after that we should be back in business!
4 years ago
I hear ya. It's happend to me so many times. Very frustrating. Hope you are able to save your important files.
I know how that feels. In the last week, our vacuum, washing machine and dvd player all died. What's Up with that. We spent about $600 replacing everything this past weekend. I hate when things that you love die:)
We'll miss you while you're non-posting. :S
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