I was trying to change my layout to a more appropriate theme now that Christmas is over and for some reason it has half the new layout and half the old layout. I'm sure you can guess which is which. I don't know how to read all the computer language: *>>,/body..-+* I usually choose a blog from: http://cutestblogontheblock.blogspot.com/ but it is temporarily under construction and chose an alternate. I just copied and pasted and it will show the right background for 2 seconds, then changes to green. Weird. Anyway, hope you enjoy the splinching of my layouts, if you didn't know I was trying to change it you may not have noticed the discrepincies!
Speaking of moving on to new seasons we just got rid of our Christmas tree and now we have a trail of pine needles showing the path we took. I guess I should go clean that up....
Oh, and I changed the name of my blog, because I was thinking that, "All about Shavonne" seemed a little conceited. And for those wondering, "Shavrek" is the blending of our names and the user name Derek usually chooses when he plays a computer game, or has to think up a name for a character.
4 years ago
Darick and I are known as Sharick, by several of our friends, i totally know what you mean by the computer laguanges, darick can program in like 10 different ones. well i'm excited to hear about your adventures! (i was thinking a good name for your blog would be "Lost in the Woods... the adventures of Shavrek."
Hey, that's a good one! It's not like we are now out fighting crime, just same life stuff, but now I pretend it's our blog, but really it's still my blog!
Shavrek is your 'Hollywood name' if you guys were famous! haha
I like Sharon's idea of LOST IN THE WOODS...so cute!
I think SHEATH is the only thing for us, which is too wierd to say, so we call ourselves the Nunns.
Anyway, I like to hear of your adventures in Woodland.
Lol, I sincerely think that we can't use a 'hollywood' style name.
Mageke-absolutely not
I don't think one exists. At least your names fuse togeher.
It is monday and the cutestblog site is still acting wierd!! My background is boring white right now
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